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Thirst for Power: Changing how we think about water and energy can ensure their long-term sustainability
Education, Water October 6, 2022

Energy and water are two fundamental elements that make up a society, and they are interconnected. The documentary film Thirst for Power examines the vulnerability of our energy system and the dependence we have on water. In order to ensure long-term sustainability of both water and energy, we must change how we think about them.

From ancient Roman aqueducts in Europe to modern America’s vast hydroelectric infrastructure, the film follows civilization’s quest for abundant water and energy across France, California, and Texas.

The documentary is based on Dr. Michael E. Webber’s book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival. Using anecdotes and personal stories alongside the latest science of energy and water, both the book and documentary point toward a future where water and energy are more reliable and abundant.

Thirst for Power is available for live education and industry screenings. Watch the trailer and learn more @ Thirst for Power

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