About a quarter of the world’s population faces extreme water shortages. As climate change intensifies the severity and frequency of droughts, the demand for water will have profound global impacts on food security, habitat and biodiversity loss, income inequality, population displacement, and social unrest.

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Drought and wildfires are having boundary issues.

As warming temperatures reshape the environment, droughts and wildfires are increasingly appearing in unexpected places and times.

Data centers consume
a bottle of water for
every AI chat.

AI has rapidly become an integral part of our lives but it carries a substantial environmental burden, marked by significant energy and water consumption.

Drought is a
creeping disaster.

Drought doesn’t get the same attention
as a powerful hurricane, but it is a creeping disaster that affects more people worldwide than any other natural disaster.

Climate change is
a growing concern.

Our food systems and climate change are interconnected in a destructive cycle that threaten global food security.

The complicated
relationship between
water and energy.

We need energy systems for our water and we also need water for our energy systems.


