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Wildfires have emitted about 8 billion tons of CO2 per year for the past 20 years

This summer, vast swaths of the Arctic and Amazon are on fire, creating clouds of smoke so intense that it’s visible from space. Scientists have been using the term “unprecedented” to describe the situation, but for some ecologists, this pyrotechnic summer is not surprising. This is what can happen when you get lots of very

Smart water quality monitoring can help detect drinking water contaminants in flooded areas

With each passing year, many inland areas in the U.S. are flooding more often due to shifting rainfall patterns and more frequent, extreme weather events. Climate scientists say this is only the beginning of what will be decades of increasingly dangerous and damaging extreme weather – and there’s no question that much of it’s being

Resourcefulness: Energy-Water STEM Curriculum

Coalition members Itron and Dr. Michael E. Webber—a globally recognized energy-water expert, author and educator—have partnered to create Smart Energy Education, an interactive, digital K-12 STEM curriculum that teaches key concepts about energy, water and conservation to improve energy and water literacy, encourage conservation, and inspire the next generation of innovators to create a more resourceful

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